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stuck in germany - RF Cafe Forums

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Post subject: stuck in germany Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:22 pm


Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:35 pm
Posts: 2
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Ok please take me serious...I’m sure all of us have hit a few bumps in life and was in serious need for help.

I was just wondering if somebody could please help me find RF work... What I mean is I am having problems continuing my education and paying for college. Yes, I am very poor and never relied on parents. Anyway, here is my story…

…once in my life, I believed I had everything going for me. I was at Marquette University going to school, being a great student. Though the hardest part of it was not the exams, not the home work; it was paying the bills on time! I am originally from south Florida and was going to school in Wisconsin. There is nothing wrong with Wisconsin, but it was extremely cold! Anyway the sad news comes….I almost graduated. I was only 3 classes short (non EE classes) and was allowed to walk at graduation. But due to a delinquency in paperwork I did not receive any financial aid for the whole year. I applied for aid on time, but I guess I filled in the wrong bubble for one lousy question on the fafsa form. For some reason, they allowed me to register for classes and continue which was definitely a big mistake. So I had a huge outstanding balance, bad credit due to credit cards (ouch!), and parents who don’t cosign. Yeah, I made a big mistake with those credit cards when I was 18. Plus, I didn’t even have a house to live in the states because of a parents divorce. I will give a good example how poor I really was. For Instance, I didn’t even buy the books for most of the classes. I bummed them from the professors and other students. My parents still to this day don’t even know how much my tuition was.

Here is the catch….I understand employment is a big debit from a company’s bank account. I will work for minimum wage as long as I am continuing my education and being able to pay “the rent.” I do not have my bachelors degree yet, but I know deep in my heart I will eventually have one. I am so creative and will eventually figure it out. And what makes me so proud is that I was able to complete three graduate level courses—Microwaves Electronics I, Fiber Optical Communications, and Surface Acoustic Wave Devices. And, I completed Communication Systems in London. I understand the dB and the dBm very well. Link budgeting is always fun. One of my professors worked for Qualcomm, the home of CDMA, and taught me many great things. I am also in good understandings of Agilent and HP- TDR, Network Analyzers, etc.

As time goes by I believe my understandings in signals and systems in general is getting better, not forgetting. I really believe I would make a great engineering because my brain is a bit metaphysically creative. Anyway capitalism is crazy and it does work. Here in Germany, universities are practically free. Socialism has its advantages. Also, paying taxes is truly a great privilege, people shouldn’t complain too much about taxes. But the problem is that I can not get a transcript released. I am getting older and hungry for knowledge. I am extremely educated, more advanced than most entry level electrical engineers.

Here is what I do now…I clean offices and windows in Hamburg, Germany. I started my own business. I have started a cleaning company and incorporated it with only 200 dollars. Yes, it is British Limited and I really don’t even know what I am doing most of the time because I do not understand how different cleaning chemicals react with different solid surfaces. When I am cleaning offices I always think about how wonderful it would be to work with high frequencies and how I could do something great in my life with engineering. But I made a big mistake going to an expensive school. Though it was nice how I had enough aid to pay for tuition, accommodation, and a meal plan. That was all I needed—food, sleep, and study. +49 40 34 83 13 42

Thanks for reading

Posted  11/12/2012

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    Kirt Blattenberger,


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