8/17/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

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RF Cafe: Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

1. Chemical symbol for thallium
3. Transmission line buried in a substrate
6. International phonetic alphabet letter "L"
9. 1e-6 ms
15. Enhanced Graphics Adapter
16. Caused maximum current to flow
18. Beat Frequency Oscillator
19. First-in, first-out, abbr.
21. A keyboard key
24. Network department, abbr.
25. Transmission Control Protocol
26. A trigonometry function
28. ______ cosine filter
29. Constellation : The lion
30. Switch position
31. Bluetooth modules & ICs vendor in Richardson, TX
32. Type of microwave diode
33. Total Radiated Power
36. Moved a surface remotely
39. Circuit element connecting PCB layers
41. The bending of electromagnetic energy
42. Boolean expression, pl.
44. IEEE802.11, FCC Part 15, or MIL-STD-202, for example
45. Chemical symbol for antimony
1. Chemical symbol for thallium
2. The "L" in ADSL
4. Unit of volume
5. Project box
7. High power microwave amplifiers
8. Automatic network analyzer, abbr.
10. Half of DSB
11. 30 GHz to 300 GHz
12. Caused the temperature to drop
13. Type of logic gate
14. Specifies system parameters
17. Effect caused by a nonlinearity
20. Calculus operation, pl.
22. Electronic document imager
23. Characters Per Inch
26. A plane figure enclosed by two radii of a circle and the arc between them
27. Automatic Level Control
34. Government program to bring electricity to farms, abbr.
35. Personal Digital Cellular
37. A disk operation
38. 300 Hz to 3 kHz
39. Circuit element connecting PCB layers
40. Boolean expression, pl.
43. Chemical symbol for antimony

See solution below