Engineering Career and Job Hunting Advice for Q1 2015

Sisyphus Monument - RF CafeThe first third of the year is gone now. If one of your New Year's resolutions was to explore alternative career options and you have not even started yet, you had better get going. Sorting through all the friendly advice online, around the office, and at the bowling alley can be rough, so I have taken the liberty of finding a few for you. One article admonishes you not to be a Sisyphus. A sissy-what? If you're not up on Greek mythology, this will educate you. One person's yard in my neighborhood has a concrete artsy-fartsy thing on the lawn that I refer to as a monument to Sisyphus (see photo). It probably has some other obvious meaning that my Philistine-level knowledge of art is missing.



Posted March 29, 2015