RF Cafe Advertiser - Antenna Factor

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Of course, without visitors (you) - both regularly returning and new arrivals - there would be no incentive for companies to spend their hard-earned money on advertising. My job is to see to it that advertisers and visitors always have a reason to maintain a presence on the website.

If the occasion arises where you can use the products and/or services of the good companies that advertise on RF Cafe, I would appreciate your visiting their websites or call their offices at the beginning of your search.

Here is a complete list of RF Cafe advertisers.

Company: Highlighted Ad
Antenna Factor
P.O. Box 390
Merlin, OR  97532

Please click here to visit the Antenna Factor website
Antenna Factor
Merlin, OR
Tel:  (800) 736-6677
Fax:  (541) 471-6251
Antenna Factor is a world leader in cost-effective  antennas. Standard and custom products are  available to support a wide variety of OEM  applications. Our antennas are designed to offer  maximum performance at a cost-effective price.
Antenna Products Include
Monopole & dipole antennasMonopole - PW, CW, HW, RH, HD, RAH, RCR, RCS, RCL, LP, RA, PMA, PMB, PMC
Embeddable - Chip, SP, JJB, HE Series 
Specialty - JJB, HE, SP, DSK, DBD, Specialty antennasMHW, HDP,  VDP, RMT, RMS, Chip, "Ant Skins" covers 
Dual-Band Hole-Mount - DBD, RMS, RMT Series 
Magnetic Base - Allow for semi-permanent  mounting on metal surfaces 
Fixed point antennasGPS - DBD, UC, ST, SE, PS Series 
Fixed Point - Yagi & Corner Style 
Custom - Tap into our expertise 
Evaluation Systems - Kits for empirical testing

Wayback™ Machine Screen Captures
RF Cafe - Wayback™ Machine website archive: click to view full-size RF Cafe - Wayback™ Machine website archive: click to view full-size
 1999                              2009

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Antenna Factor Antenna Factor Standard and custom antennas - monopole, dipole, embeddable, specialty, dualband, GPS, fixed point, Yagi, evaluation systems, custom designs. Hole-mount, magnetic base.