RF Cafe Advertiser - Cobham Antenna Systems
(formerly European Antennas)

As with most venues provided to the public at no direct charge, RF Cafe relies on the generosity of independent advertisers to underwrite the production costs of the endeavor. It is with the greatest sincerity that I thank the companies who have chosen to support RF Cafe.

Of course, without visitors (you) - both regularly returning and new arrivals - there would be no incentive for companies to spend their hard-earned money on advertising. My job is to see to it that advertisers and visitors always have a reason to maintain a presence on the website.

If the occasion arises where you can use the products and/or services of the good companies that advertise on RF Cafe, I would appreciate your visiting their websites or call their offices at the beginning of your search.

Here is a complete list of RF Cafe advertisers.

Company:Highlighted Ad
Cobham Antenna Systems
(formerly European Antennas Ltd )
Lambda House
Cheveley Newmarket
Suffolk CB8 9RG
Click to visit Cobham Antenna Systems (formerly European Antennas)

Wayback™ Machine Screen Captures
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2000                       2009
 RF Cafe Page Placements
Highlighted Ad:Logo Only (page sponsor): Engineering Crossword Puzzle Appearances
Cobham Antenna SystemsCobham Antenna Systems
(European Antennas)
High gain, printed circuit arrays, ultra wide-band spirals, multi-octave bicones and collinear omni-directional antennas between 100 MHz and 40 GHz. Custom designs. WLAN, RFID, WiMAX, TETRA, telemetry.