RF Cafe Advertiser - Highland Technology

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Company:Highlighted Ad
Highland Technology
18 Otis Street
San Francisco, CA  94103
Click to visit Highland TechnologyHighland Technology
San Francisco, CA
Tel:  415-551-1700
  Highland Technology designs and manufactures
 high quality precision instrumentation and control
 applications including:
 » Precision analog measurement and control
 » Capture of very high-speed transient
 » High speed, high resolution timing instruments
 » High channel count waveform generation
 » Precision thermocouple and RTD temperature
 » Electrical-optical-electrical conversion
 » Cryogenic temperature instrumentation
 » Custom "smart" instrumentation applications
 » Pulse-gradient drivers for NMR applications
See Our Extensive Line of Instruments
Power / Frequency Measurement 
Ethernet-based instruments 
Delay and Pulse Generators 
Embedded InstrumentsAerospace
Signal Conditioning 
VME/VXI Modules 
Legacy CAMAC ModulesOEM
Waveform Generators 
Energy Measurement Products 

Wayback™ Machine Screen Captures
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1998                         2009
 RF Cafe Page Placements
Highlighted Ad:Logo Only (page sponsor): Engineering Crossword Puzzle Appearances
Highland TechnologyHighland
Precision analog measurement and control for capture of very high-speed transient phenomena. Ethernet-based embedded measurement instruments. Aerospace, photonics, commercial VME/VXI Modules.